
feldenkrais quote on blue swirls“Feldenkrais uses a series of lessons and gentle manipulations tailored to the individual. This process “reorganizes” the way the parts of your body work together to enable free and easy movement without pain.” Read more on www.feldenkrais.com

Feldenkrais offers classes called Awareness through movement, that take a group of people through slow movement sequences. I was lucky to have a modern dance teacher at the university who would start classes this way. Not all of these will be comfortable for someone with chronic pain, but since they are slow and focused on noticing what is happening in the body, they can be very beneficial. The movements offer new experiences and teach how to move with less effort, and more ease.

I was lucky enough to work one on one with a practitioner in training, and I would walk out of our sessions completely different in posture and awareness. While some of what I experienced has gone away, I feel that I was trained to feel when I am in good alignment and that my yoga practice has benefitted tremendously– so the benefit continuous. A caveat: it often takes a number of sessions to realign your body, so don’t expect to walk out feeling all wonderful after just one session. On the other hand, some of these moves are so simple and amazing, and immediately helpful.